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Piling Technologies will give you proposals of the best solutions and offer you a wide range of used & new Japanese high-tech piling equipments and materials which will solve your piling problems.
- Piling job site is located in the urban areas where both noise and vibration are prohibited or restricted. - Piling job site is located close to school, hospital, private houses, etc. which do not permit noise and vibration. - Piling job site is located near rails, old buildings, historical monuments, fragile facilities, etc. to which vibration may cause serious damages. - Piling is obliged to do without noise during night-time due to trafic or other reasons. - Local law (regulations) requires noise-less and/or vibration-free piling. - It is obligated to use the noise-less and/or vibration-free pling equipments to enter a public bid. - GEOGRAPHICAL DIFFICULTIES
- Piling job site is located in the mid-town or tight residential areas where the access or the space is so limited that conventional bulky piling equipments which require large sized cranes and other equipments can hardly enter or be operated. - Piling must be done under bridge or in limited headroom situations where conventional piling equipments can hardly work or work efficiently. - Piling is required in the river or off-shore where conventional types of bulky piling equipments with heavy cranes need a costly pontoon & tug boat with crew and extra workers, which will result in inefficient and high cost job. - UNFAVORABLE GROUND CONDITIONS
- Soil condition is too tough for conventional methods of piling. - Viscosity of soil is too high for conventional methods of piling. - Minute sands in the beach or seabed produce strong resistance and piles cannot penetrate into the ground. - Soil contains stones, rocks, bricks or other hard obstacles. - Soil condition is too soft to hold driven piles firmly. - Due to unfavorable ground conditions, extracting piles by vibratory pile driver / extractor is difficult. - DIFFICULTIES TO GET SHEET PILES AND/OR H-BEAMS
- Due to the recent worldwide "steel crisis" the prices of sheet piles and H-beams are increasing drastically while delivery time is being extended unreasonably.Consequently,piling job cost has been badly affected.In the worst case,piling project itself is obliged to be postponed or cancelled.Such critical situation has caused serious damages and inconveniences. - ULTIMATE SHEET PILING WATERPROOFING REQUIRED
- A kind of reinforced waterproofing is required for such special sheet piling projects as rivers & bridges,off-shore,dewatering,water cutoff walls,water purification plant,drainage works,water gate,cofferdams,or any other projects which encounter water leakage problems.