Piling Technologies, Division of TEAM SUNFLOWER LLC has established its basic policy to protect the personal information of the users (hereinafter referred to “customers”) of its web site to respect importance of such customers’ personal information and comply with the Personal Information Protection Law in Japan (hereinafter referred to “PIP Lawa”).
1.Usage within the purpose of use
The customers’personal information that we have obtained shall be used for the following purposes only and shall not be used for any other purpose without obtaining the prior consent from the relevant customers;
●When providing the customers with services and/or information that we can offer.
●When conducting a survey and/or an analysis through questionnaire for enabling us to improve the quality of our services.
2.Provision of any personal information to any third party
We shall never provide any and all customers’personal information obtained to any other third party except for providing the same pursuant to the following cases;
●When required by Laws, Justice and/or Governmental Authorities.
●When the prior consent of the relevant customers has been obtained.
●When entrusting the third party to handle the customers’ personal information within the range to fulfill the purposes specified in Artticle 1.
3.Management of customers’ personal information
We utilize the SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) technology to make the encryption of the information obtained in order to protect the customers’ personal information against being intercepted, interrupted or manipulated. We have also adopted the appropriate safety measures to manage the customers’ personal information safely to protect it from illegal access, missing, destruction,
manipulation and/or disclosure.
4.Changes, correction and deletion of customers’ personal information
We shall never accept any request for changes, correction and/or deletion of the customers’ personal information unless we have confirmed that such a request has been made by the relevant customers themselves.
In order to provide our better services to customers, we may utilize the “Cookies” functions. We assure you that the “Cookies” functions shall neither invade the customers’ privacy nor cause any bad influence on customers’ computer.
6.Improvement of privacy policy
We will exercise our best continued efforts to improve our privacy policy in order to comply with any revision of Laws and changes of social circumstances.
Inquiries about the management of the customers’ personal information can be sent to us through the “CONTACT” page.